Saturday, August 7, 2010

Ways to curb increasing kidney racket cases?

what do u think should be made to done that this kidney racket which is spread all over be stopped n how can we make hospitals nn nursing home a safer place?

ur views n intelligent views required?

good day!Ways to curb increasing kidney racket cases?
Make it legal.. we are in a free enterprise system where people allowed to sell their blood, or women are allowed to sell their eggs, men their sperm.. so why not kidneys. The middlemen need to be eliminated.Ways to curb increasing kidney racket cases?
The value of a kidney (typically $10,000) can be reduced by synthetically producing kidneys with stem cell tissue.

Also reducing kidney disease by cracking down on food additive toxins and water fluoridation.

Also putting some sort of counterfeit-proof marker on legitimately acquired kidneys, and passing laws that require hospitals only use kidneys with that marker.
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