Saturday, August 7, 2010

Why do ';green'; people who use cloth bags at the grocery store, buy cases and cases of bottled water?

I never fell for the marketing sceme to pay $5-$7 a case of bottled water.Why do ';green'; people who use cloth bags at the grocery store, buy cases and cases of bottled water?
Greenies, don't you know, are FAR superior to the rest of us. They love to show this superiority by putting on a show for everybody to see. They carry their cloth bags, wear their Tilleys, and their LL Bean pants with all the pockets. Oh my, they are just SOOOOO wonderful. In thruth, they are total hypocrites, as are all liberals. Al Gore is the perfect example, and that mad cow, Nancy Pelosi is another.Why do ';green'; people who use cloth bags at the grocery store, buy cases and cases of bottled water?
Where i live there is copious amounts of chlorine %26amp; fluoride in the town water supply. Many green people are informed of the harmful effects that these substances can have on the body. While you can filter out these elements from the water a small percentage remains (%26amp; some people dont want to consume any fluoride at all).

However, plastic bottled water comes at a price, not just for the environment but for the body also. The soft plastic they use for bottling drinks leaches into the liquid %26amp; when consumed it mimicks the hormone 'estrogen' %26amp; can contribute to cancer.
Being green and healthy have often been seen as going together. People are starting to get the message that bottled water is a problem though.

I use refillable cups whenever possible. If I go into Subway, the drink is like 32 cents when I bring the cup. I have no probem using a drinking fountain. I've never been sickened using one, so why get all paranoid about microbes.

Reusing is better than recycling, because when you recycle, you can't be 100% sure the next step will be taken.

The only time I drink bottled water is if there's one in the fridge that a houseguest left, and there is no tea or pop to drink.

Enviormentalists are accused to being hypocrites as often as moralists almost. If someone won't allow porn on his computer, but is spotted reading a Playboy he can be called a hypocrite.

If someone who is Green makes an annual half ton less of garbage than her neighbor, she can still be called a hypocrite if she's spotted in a hurry chucking a can in the garbage. Does this make the reduced amount of garbage in the landfill bad?

To some it does I guess. Conservatives today are just like liberals. They dwell on the argument instead of focusing on what is good or bad. Where are the old fashioned pragmatic conservatives?
Well maybe they have bad water at home, and maybe they recycle the bottles.

Who says people who are Green are the only ones using the reusable bags? Get real people...a small step is still a step in the right direction. A true Green person, will not be driving a gasoline powered car to the frackin store either, so get over yourselves, and be glad that some changes are taking place, even if they are small changes it's better than nothing at all.
Maybe what you saw at the grocery is just not green people who want to avoid harming too much the planet, but did not yet realize that they should not buy bottles of water.

Next time you see them tell them to change for some other habit (filters are better). And you can check at the same time if they are green or not.
I use cloth bags and I don't buy cases of bottled water... except when my husband tells me to because he wants to be prepared in case of a disaster... But that's not working out too well, since the plastic seems to start breaking down after awhile, making the water unsafe to drink... I told him we have to find a better way to store drinking water in case of a disaster, but I don't know what to use yet....
Every ';green'; person I know who uses cloth bags at the grocery store always gets their water from the tap at home. That's certainly what I do.

But personally I prefer not to generalize about a large group of people based on something I've seen a couple people do at the grocery store.
I dont know i think its stupid because they are telling everybody else how they are doing bad for the earth when yet they are using bottled water!they could easily just get a water purifier at home if their water is bad.%26amp; if they say it's too expensive then thats retarded because they wasting ALOT of money on water bottles....
cloth bags reduces enormalsy the waste of plastic, it is interesting that you have seen them buy cases of bottled water though, visit this website if you want more information of enviroment protection
Maybe they recycle the bottles. I don't buy bottled water anymore.
You make a great point. They sell canned air at some stores also.
because they are thirsty....hahaha no but if i like mineral water or i don't like my water from pipe why not to buy...its still more green than for example Bottled coke....
ha! hypocrites i say!!

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